
Vladimir Avetissian


Russian businessman and philanthropist Vladimir Avetissian is best-known as deputy chairman of the RUSNANO board, where he oversees the Projects Management Center. Even in times of economic turmoil, when enterprises folded one after another, Avetissian managed to keep the businesses he managed out of bankruptcy. His family survived the Armenian Genocide thanks to the kindness of his great-granduncle, father Atanas. For Vladimir, gratitude is not merely a word — he is a generous philanthropist and supports a number of projects in Armenia, his ancestral homeland.  



Lucie Abdalian


Voted “best actress” at the Armenian National Cinema Awards and recipient of the Celeste Prize for contemporary art, Lucie Abdalian is a striking multi-dimensional artist. She is a person who is who she is because she loves what she does. Her current life as a worldly and free-spirited New Yorker, fascinated by humanity and culture, is more a result of happenstance than of a dogged desire to achieve fame. Despite the ugliness of war and forced migration she experienced in her youth, she has built a life around the beauty of art.


Michael Aram Wolohojian



Elie Wiesel’s Speech at Inaugural Aurora Prize Ceremony

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and first Co-chair of Aurora Prize Selection Committee Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) on the importance of memory
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