Alexis Ohanian
Forbes magazine calls Alexis Ohanian “Mayor of the Internet,” and has included him in its “30 Under 30” list as an important figure in the technology industry for two years in a row. Wired magazine featured him as a “Champion of Innovation” in 2013.
“I ended up being born in Brooklyn, but I could've been born in Yerevan, or probably somewhere in Western Armenia. I want my knowledge to help as many people as possible, but especially my fellow Armenians,” Alexis says.

His father Avedis saw his parents being killed.

Alexis, the only child of Chris and Anke, who was from Germany, was born on April 24 – the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

Three generations of the Ohanians: John, Alexis and Chris in June, 2012.
“Being Armenian means triumph to me. Every one of us who succeeds is a triumph in the face of Genocide – they failed to annihilate us, failed to silence us, and we will continue to thrive worldwide. It makes me very proud,” Alexis says.
The story is verified by the 100 LIVES Research Team.