#AraratChallenge For Artsakh: AURORA announces the main principles for its work on projects to help people of Artsakh
Aurora Humanitarian Initiative continues helping people of Artsakh affected by the war. 14 projects with a total budget of $116,600 have already been supported. Humanitarian projects for the people of Artsakh are carried out under the auspices of the #AraratChallenge crowdfunding initiative. Applications can be sent to [email protected].
Below are the main principles of Aurora's work on projects to support the people of Artsakh, both in Artsakh and in Armenia.
Trust and Transparency
Aurora pledges to keep everyone updated with the projects we select for implementation as part of the “#AraratChallenge for Artsakh” program. The good news, the bad news and the bumps in the road along the way. We believe full transparency is paramount to building a mutual relationship of trust.
International Framework with Local Adaptation
As an international organization, Aurora adheres to international principles of excellence in all we do. While we will never stray from our principles of operation, we acknowledge that they need to be adapted to fit the local needs and conditions of each country to be effective.
Partnership and Responsibility
Aurora will be looking to partner with leading international organizations to support the on the ground implementation of their initiatives in both Armenia and Artsakh. Aurora shares responsibility for every project it initiates, funds, or supports together with these partners.
Sustainability and Pragmatism
Aurora strives to find solutions for people that can bring about lasting value and change. Given the situation on the ground in Artsakh and Armenia continues to change daily, we must also be pragmatic about the solutions we offer and work in an agile way.
Universal Human Values and Solidarity
People are at the very heart of everything we do. This is firmly embedded in Aurora's DNA regardless of where in the world our projects might be. However, given the cycle of gratitude in action originated from the people who valiantly saved Armenian lives a century ago, our bond with the people of Armenia and Artsakh is a very special one and it is important we stand by them at this critical time.